Friday 17 February 2023

Paris, The Louvre

Paris is a global symbol of romance, elegance and cultural richness, and it attracts millions of visitors from around the world each year. Finally, I have decided to join the group of the city's admirers. So, this is my first visit to this charming place. 

Through the heart of Paris The Seine River is flowing. Many of the iconic landmarks are situated along the Seine, including  Notre-Dame Cathedral, which was the first landmark I have seen upon arrival to the city centre.

Unfortunately, Notre Dame suffered a devastating fire on April 15, 2019, which caused the significant damage to its roof and spire. Nowadays it is under the extensive restoration, so I could not see the whole splendor of this masterpiece of French Gothic architecture.

After a short walk and before checking-in the hotel, I am in search of some good food.

I really wanted to try something from local food here. So, in some decent place I have ordered the escargot (or snails), which is perhaps the most famously associated with French cuisine.
So, the most common method of preparing escargot involves cooking the snails with garlic, parsley, butter, and sometimes wine. The mixture is then placed back into the shells or served in special escargot plates. It was very delicious to my taste!

After checking-in, I headed to the Louvre museum, the largest museum in the world, where I already have booked my first excursion...

Actually, the Louvre began as a royal palace in the late 12th century and served various purposes over the centuries. It was transformed into a public museum during the French Revolution in 1793.

The Louvre's architecture is a blend of medieval, Renaissance, and modern styles. The glass pyramid in the main courtyard, designed by architect I. M. Pei, is a modern addition that has become an iconic symbol of the museum.

Nowadays The Louvre houses an extensive and diverse collection of art and artifacts spanning from ancient civilizations to the 19th century. It boasts over 35000 objects, which are placed into eight departments, including Near Eastern Antiquities, Egyptian Antiquities, Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities, Islamic Art, Sculptures, Decorative Arts, Paintings, and Prints and Drawings.

Undoubtedly, the Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, is one of the most famous and celebrated artworks in the Louvre. Visitors from around the world come to see the enigmatic smile of this masterpiece. And to get access to this rather small painting you would need to stay in the long queue.

Of course, the Louvre is not only about Mona Lisa. Very often people do not pay attention to other masterpieces, which are more accessible but not less genius, such as this portrait "La Belle Ferronniere" by Leonardo Da Vinci, with the same enigmatic smile, which we can see in Mona Lisa's.

The excursion is over, but during two hours it is physically impossible to see the whole exposition in the Louvre. Probably, it is better to plan several visits to avoid fatigue and fully appreciate the vast array of artworks located there.

After such a good food for mind I also need some food for my body. I have found a good place nearby my hotel, where I could order some traditional food, including the delicious French fries :)

Tomorrow I will have the full day in Paris with more excursions and visiting the public places.

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