Friday 10 June 2016

Valencia, Garden, Beach and Tapas

A greenhouse in Valencia botanical garden.The alluring way to the sea.

Tomorrow I am going back to Novosibirsk. So, there is only one place left in my list to visit in Valletta. It is the botanical garden. But first, I will have my lunch at my favourite restaurant Llepol. For this time I asked for seafood paella. Honestly, Valenciana paella, which was cooked here before, was better. Anyway, it is a very friendly place and the homemade desserts are so delicious here!

Interior of Llepol restaurant.Seafood paella in the Llepol restaurant.

Botanical garden is situated close to the Torres de Quart and it dates from 1802. They say that you can find here the flora of 5 continents and 3000 species. Especially interesting thing is the collection of palms and tropical trees. The entrance is not free, and with Tourist Card you will pay 1,5 euro.

A small pond in the botanical garden of Valencia.The palms in the Valencia botanical garden.

Extraordinary plants in the Valencia botanical garden.Queer flowers in the Valencia botanical garden.

Mysterious flowers in the Valencia botanical garden.Exceptional flowers in the Valencia botanical garden.

The palms in Valencia botanical garden.The high bamboo in the Valencia botanical garden.

Of course I could not miss the opportunity to visit the beach once more.

Valencia promenade.Shallow blue sea.

While I was travelling in the metro I was met by musicians, who greeted the passengers by playing instruments. This kind of performance is quite usual thing in Valencia, I suppose. They all the time are trying to organise some interesting performance. You will likely become a witness of such events if you are not blind, of course.

An orchestra in the Valencia underground.

This evening I am trying another tapas bar in Placa de la Reina. Nothing exceptional, except the thing that the price for tapa depends on the length of the stick.

Tapas with long sticks.

The dead of night. It is almost time to say goodbye to Valencia. And tomorrow there is a special day. Actually, it will be my birthday.

It is me among palm-trees.

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