Saturday 11 June 2016

Valencia, Happy Birthday

A white flowerAn aerodrome

The last morning in Valencia, but this is my birthday.

For the last time I visit Placa de la Virgen, drink my coffee, say goodbye to may hosts and set off to the underground station.

A cup of coffee at the summer cafe

There is some unpleasant surprise at the station. My airport ticket, which I bought yesterday, is expired. And I need to buy another one. Unfortunately, the station duty officer does not speak English, the ticket machine does not accept 20 euro banknotes, and nobody can change it. Luckily, I have the credit card, so I successfully get on the train

Waiting to board

It is only 20 minutes by train, and I am at the airport. The departure hall is on the second floor.
Duty free shop. Boarding. Flight. Transfer in Istanbul. Another duty free shop. Boarding. Flight. I am at home.

An aerodrome

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