Saturday 4 June 2016

Valencia, City of Arts and Sciences

The City of Arts and Sciences in ValenciaA house's facade

It is cloudy from the very morning, and it even started raining. So, it is the right time for visiting museums and other indoors places.

First, I went to the Ceramics Museum. There is an amazing collection of ceramics, which is housed in the rococo style palace, that dates from the 15th century. The building itself is the most precious thing, with outstanding decorations and a magnificent alabaster entrance. The reduced price is only 1.5 euro.

Then there was the Prehistory Museum, which is actually absolutely free.

For lunch I stayed in Llepol restaurant, which is located close to Plaza de la Virgen. I tasted genuine paella Valenciana with rabbit and chicken. The meal was only 12 euro. You also should pay 1 extra euro, if you want to take place outside. My overall impression was very good. Very likely, I will come back to this place.

Then there was orchateria Santa Catalina, which is located close to the church tower at the beginning of Plaza de la Reina. They serve here the beverage called Horchata. Horchata costs 2.80, but another 0.85 I paid for the sausage-like pastry Fartons. Horchata is a sweet drink made of tigernuts (which are not nuts in fact, but the small tubers). And it is served cold. People say that it is refreshing.

Then I set off for the Science Museum. It is located in 40 minutes on foot from the place, where I live. On my way along the Turia valley I met so many beautiful gardens and parks, and I even did not get bored or tired while walking.

The full name of the museum is The Principe Felipe Science Museum. Actually, it is the part of the complex of buildings such as Hemisferic, Oceanografic, Opera House etc. They all were designed by the architect Santiago Calatrava. And all together it is called City of Arts and Sciences.

With Valencia card it cost me only 6.80 euro. I have spent in the museum about 2 hours, but it was simply not enough to see and experience the whole exposition.

Tonight I found out what Aqua de Valencia is like. It is one of the favourite alcohol drinks here. Actually, it is the mix of orange juice, ice and champagne.

When I was walking home, I unexpectedly heard the sounds of music in the neighboring street. For some reason, many people gathered together and started to celebrate an event. A couple of singers were performing the Spanish and Italian songs, which I had no idea about. But at the end there was well-known song Felicita, that inspired me greatly.

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