Monday 6 June 2016

Valencia, Bioparc

A suspension bridgeA map of the Bioparc in Valencia

Monday. Still many shops and restaurants are closed. Probably, they have prolonged weekends.

On Plaza del Ayuntamiento I found the central post office, from where I sent the postcards to my friends. The stamp to Russia costs only 1.15 euro.

The lunch was at Maria Mandiles near government palace. It costs only 8.95 euros. The offer includes two dishes, drink, a glass of beer, dessert and coffee. Not counting such a grand location and perfect view! 

Then there was Bioparc, which is situated close to Nou d'Octubre station. Contrary to traditional zoos, this park has the unique feature of bringing the visitor totally into the habitat of the animals. This is known as zoo immersion. Actually there are no cages in Bioparc. And you can observe the wild nature very close without any borders and fences. The price with a discount is 20.23 euro.

One of the main exhibitions here is lemurs, whom it is always interesting to watch for. There are also animals I have never seen before. These are giraffes, elephants, gorillas, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, zebras and flamingos. They are amazing!

At last, I found out that near the Colon station on the street Roger de lloria there is Merkadona supermarket, which is one of the cheapest supermarkets in Spain.

Tonight I visited the popular tapas bar at Placa de la Tossa. The waitress could not speak English at all, but she found a clever solution and brought two menus - in English and Spanish to compare the positions.

Full night. Some celebration in our neighbourhood is still in progress. Today there is a concert of classical music with an orchestra and a conductor. And this is the third day in a row. Spanish people adore celebrations!

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