Friday 3 June 2016

Valencia, Another Walking Tour

A flagpole

One of the main tourist attractions in Valencia is the Silk Exchange ("Llotja de la Seda" in Spanish), which is located in front of the Central Market. So, I have started today's excursions with this emblematic building.
The Silk Exchange is considered to be one of the Europe's most beautiful examples of Gothic civil architecture. And the most impressive part of the building is the main hall, lavishly decorated space supported by gorgeous twisted columns.

Another important landmark and one of the best preserved monuments of Valencia is Serranos Towers (Torres de Serranos). For a long time, its main purpose was to defend the city in the events of a siege or attack, but it was also regularly used for the ceremonies, such as official welcoming ceremonies for ambassadors and kings, as it was deemed to be the main entrance to the city.
Nowadays the towers are also used for different official ceremonies, the most famous of which is the Crida, the opening ceremony of the Fallas.
From the top of the building you can enjoy an amazing view of the city of Valencia. 

Later I went to the Central Market to buy some food. The amazing discovery for me was the fruits called Nisperos, which I have never known about before. People say, that its flavour is a mixture of peach, citrus and mild mango. While the skin can be eaten the best bit is inside, i.e. the flesh. The fruit has large seeds, which are toxic, so they must not be eaten. On the whole, I liked nispero.

For lunch I went to the beach restaurant. I choose mussels, which were not bad. Honestly, I was advised to visit another restaurant, called La Pipica, but it was located far away from the place I stopped at. Probably, next time I will go there.

I walked along the seashore and finally reached the marina with the luxurious yachts.

In the evening there was another walking tour around the old town with the Free Tour. It's called "Emblematic Valencia".
During our excursion I have learnt many interesting facts about Valencia. For example, some years ago Valencia was surrounded by the wall, and there were 12 towers around. However, by the will of the local authorities it was demolished due to some economical reasons. Nowadays only two towers remained, because at that time they were used as the prisons.
Another amusing point about Valencia is that river Turia does not cross the city anymore. It was redirected in another place, and these days they organised a big park in the valley. Actually, it is 10 kilometres long, with numerous play grounds, football fields, bicycle lanes and other facilities.
I also found out that there are two official languages in Valencia - Spanish and Valencian. Valencian language is similar to Catalunyan, but nobody wants to admit that.

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