Saturday, 6 April 2024

Marianske Lazne

To get some relaxation and enjoy nature I am usually visiting Karlovy Vary. But there are many other places in Czechia, which offer spa activities and fresh air. One of such towns is Marianske Lazne. With another town, Frantiskove Lazne, these three towns make up what is known as the "Czech Spa Triangle", a region rich in therapeutic waters, charming architecture, and serene natural landscapes.
Definitely I want to visit Frantiskove Lazne as well, but this weekend I will spend in Marienbad (this name was historically used during the time when the region was part of the Austrian Empire).

I am staying at the luxurious hotel Bohemia, in the very city centre. It looks very grand outside and inside. And this high ceiling in my room is something special! But honestly, I have chosen this hotel because I could book the room with a balcony there.

One of the most iconic landmarks of the town is the Colonnade of the Singing Fountain, built in the early 19th century. The colonnade stretches over 100 meters and is adorned with Corinthian columns, creating a beautiful space where visitors can relax and take in the scenic surroundings.

Another defining aspect of Marianske Lazne is its expansive, lush parks, which play a key role in the town’s serene ambiance and overall charm.

And of course, Marianske Lazne is renowned for its numerous mineral springs, with over 40 sources spread throughout the town.The waters here are quite cool (around 7-10°C) and often used primarily for drinking cures, with a focus on digestive, metabolic, and respiratory health.
On the contrary, in Karlovy Vary, the focus is more on hot spring baths (the waters typically ranging from 40 to 72°C), thermal treatments, and general relaxation therapies for the body.

To summarize, Marianske Lazne is a peaceful town with healing springs and plenty of green spaces. It is quiet, charming, and perfect for escaping the crowds. Here, you can relax, recharge, and enjoy the calm, and its only 170 kilometres from Prague. However, my favourite is still Karlovy Vary.

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