Tuesday 18 May 2010

London, The Towers

The Tower BridgeThe Tower of London

The Tower of London – an imposing fortress with many layers of history – has become one of the symbols of royalty. The Tower has served variously as an armory, a treasury, a menagerie, the home of the Royal Mint, a public record office, and the home of the Crown Jewels of England. At least 6 ravens are kept at the Tower of London at all time, for superstitious reasons. It is believed, that "If the ravens leave the Tower the Kingdom will fall…".

The Tower Bridge is another city's symbol, and it is one of the most recognizable bridges in the world. Actually, it's named after the Tower of London which is located on one side of the Bridge. The London’s most striking bridge is extremely famous thanks to its Neo-Gothic architecture and lifting central sections. The bridge consists of two bridge towers tied together at the upper level by two horizontal walkways. In fact, when they opened it, it was the most sophisticated bascule bridge in the world.

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