Sunday 3 January 2021

Spb, Big Walking

This is the final day of my staying in Saint Petersburg. After having my breakfast from the box I have left the backpack at the reception and set off for the street walking.

There are not many people in the streets, so it is a unique opportunity to make the photos of the bare architecture.

Meanwhile, the life in the city is awaking. No wonder, because tomorrow they are going to open the restaurants, and more people arrived here. Unfortunately, I am not going to experience this gastronomical pleasure. Just my luck!

Frankly speaking, the best idea during my short trip was to join an excursion with the professional guide along the Big Marine street with the length of 1.32 kilometers. Our guide stayed almost in front of every building to tell us some amusing stories and facts, so the excursion took more than three hours, and not many tourists have endured this adventure. Of course, I was among the strongest ones.

Extremely tired. Extremely frozen. And at the same time extremely happy. Eventually, I am at the railway station, waiting for my Sapsan to return to Moscow.

In short, it was not the best starting of the year, but it was a good point to refresh. Still, I hope to visit Saint Petersburg again and very soon, without these Corona restrictions.

Saturday 2 January 2021

Spb, The Frozen Canals

The breakfast at the hotel was really poor. In fact, it was delivered to the room in a box, simply because the dining room was closed during this goddamned Corona-period. At least there was a plastic cup of white wine in the box. The cheap one. But it is something to cheer up.

The only entertainment in Saint Petersburg these days is walking in the streets and to stare around. So, I headed to the Nevsky Prospekt in the direction of the Palace Square.

On the way to the square I meet several frozen canals and rivers. In summer I like to walk unhurried along them. But it is quite cold  these days (the 2nd January, indeed).

I wonder, how many bridges in Saint Petersburg. Google says there are 800 bridges, including 218 pedestrian ones. Surely, I have not seen them all, but even those which I have met are extremely remarkable, and they all are of the unique design. I really love the bridges all along with the facades of Saint Petersburg.

Neva river is also frozen. Obviously, there are no leafy trees, and the facades of the opposite bank look bare.

I turned back to the hotel, and on some street I finally met some festive decorations. Finally, I could feel the real atmosphere of the New Year. 

After having some rest at the hotel, I took a taxi and headed to the New Holland Island. Currently, this small, triangular artificial islet is the unique space in the metropolis wholly dedicated to culture, gastronomy and leisure. And now it is another crowded spot in the city, where the celebration is in progress.

To sum up, I am quite satisfied with what I have seen today. I was able to feel the festive mood and to relax somehow. That was good.

Friday 1 January 2021

Spb, The First Day of The New Year

I have planned in advance to spend my winter vacation in Saint Petersburg. However, one week before departure I found out that Saint Petersburg would be closed for any celebration during the Christmas holidays. Corona is still reigning here and in all Russia. Basically, there are no available restaurants and pubs, there are no available museums, there is nothing to be entertained at this rigid city. Still I was pretty sure that I would be able to have fun even without public places. At least, I would try to switch off by changing the Moscow landscapes to something fresh.

The journey starts on 1st January 2021 on Komsomolskaya square, where Leningradsky railway station is located. As usually, I travel to Saint Petersburg with the high speed train Sapsan. I was sensible enough not to drink too much the previous evening, so there is no hangover.

Honestly, I was expecting to see something special on the train on the first day of the new year. Still, nothing reminded of the celebration except this plastic branches on the ceiling.

Well, the journey from Moscow to Saint Petersburg took about 4 hours. Finally, I am on the platform of the Moskovsky railway station, ready to throw myself  into the arms of the imperial city

Well, the city looks gloomy and unfriendly as never before. There is no so much decoration in the streets. There is no New Year spirit. Alright, I will handle it, I thought. But first I needed to get to the hotel and have some rest.

Cronwell Inn is the 4 star hotel, very close to the Nevsky prospekt and not far from the station. In fact, it has become my favourite hotel while traveling to Saint Petersburg many times.

Luckily, at the hotel they are aware of the New Year, and they presented some delicious cookies with coffee. While watching the New Year movie (of course the Russian romantic comedy The Irony of Fate) and eating the pastries, I felt a little bit happier.

At night the city does not look so gloomy. Still, it is quite windy. And I am really jealous of people who are sitting in their armchairs around the table in the warm apartments. Hopefully, there is no rain or snow. 

I reached the Palace square with hope to see something grand there. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. The Christmas tree is not so special for such special place as Saint Petersburg. It did not look grand at all.

It is a pity that all restaurants are closed, and you can order the food only for take away in the plastic plates. So, the dinner was bought in the local supermarket. It is not what I was dreaming of when imagining my winter holidays. I hope that  tomorrow I will orientate myself and will find the ways to have fun.