Tuesday 29 April 2014

Cyprus, Donkeys and Oranges

The sweet donkeysWith a donkey

This morning, after finishing my breakfast, I went to the beach to have some sunbath. And later I set off for the town of Paphos.
First of all, I wanted to take a special excursion to the local villages from Ruslan Travel company. Actually, this tour operator is the same as the transport company, which service I use every day while getting to and from Paphos. It seems to be a very reliable organization. Eventually, I paid only 25 euros for the tour, but it is going to be held tomorrow.

However, today I have Donkeys safari tour, which is offered by the operator Biblio Globus, with whom I arrived to Cyprus. They say that it is the most popular excursion among Russian tourists.

While transporting to the village our guide provided us with some brief information about Cyprus and Paphos. For example, Paphos was the main place of Aphrodite's worship; and the name of the city means 'passion'. I also found out that olives cannot be of black color as we see it in shops. Meanwhile, sitting close to the bus window I have noticed that Olive trees are planted everywhere on the island.

So, we are going to see a village which is about 800 years old. However, the main attraction of this trip is certainly a donkey's ride.
As I was told, donkeys are not stubborn, but patient creatures. They are really afraid of water, and they can sing loudly. They have big ears which are used for temperature control. They eat everything and can eat up to 14 kilos a day. People also say that donkeys are the real psychologists, and they copy the owners' behavior.

In the beginning, there was an "orientation" program. For instance, they taught us how to treat the animals in the right way.

Then there was a short excursion with visiting a small museum. We also entered a traditional house and a village zoo. Nevertheless, the most exciting part of our program was ahead; it was donkey's ride, which lasted only half an hour.

My donkey's name was Adam. In general, it was a rather measured trip with no surprise, but I liked it.

Finally, we could taste some local products, which were produced on the farm: olives, wine and other stuff. At the end of our excursion we also had supper. Our guide warned us, that wine at this party never ends. So, we could fill up our vessels infinitely with red and white liquid.

While we were eating there was a special show - the traditional dancing. After all, we were taught how to dance sertakki.
Another surprise from the farm was fruits which we could pick up from am orange tree.

We arrived to the hotel at 23. I felt cheerful and absolutely satisfied about my trip. To sum up, I would like to recommend donkey's safari to everyone.

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