Sunday 27 April 2014

Cyprus, Beach Resort

A bench on the beachA rocky seashore

This Spring I really wanted to go somewhere with comfortable weather and blue sea at hand. Honestly, there are so many places I could go to, including Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam or even China. However, my choice was not the regular one. Eventually, I am flying to Cyprus. And there are some reasons. First of all, there must be a friendly environment there; it is believed, that inhabitants of Cyprus are extremely hospitable. Moreover, the local people are orthodox believers, and it is close to the Russians' mind. Finally, there must be the great cultural heritage in Cyprus, and I would like to experience it for sure.

Unfortunately, there is no co-traveler with me. As usual, though. In spite of this, I hope to have real fun.

The departure is from Novosibirsk. Luckily, there is a direct flight from my home city to the city of Larnaka. By the way, the international terminal in Novosibirsk is still under reconstruction, as it was a couple of years ago.

I am flying with Transaero, the Russian airline. It is a charter flight, and all seats are taken. The duration of the flight is about 7 hours. The food on the plane is really poor. However, the most important thing is that our pilot is professional enough, so we successfully landed on the island.

The temperature is not so high, it is only 23 degrees. These are rather comfortable conditions for me.
From the airport we are driving for two hours. And to my surprise, I am the only one who stays at the hotel Akti Resort Beach.

So, Akti means 'Seashore'. Speaking about the hotel itself, I would describe it as a rather comfortable and well-groomed place. It consists of many two-floors villas in the Mediterranean style. And usually tourists arrive here with their big families.

The beach, which is the nearest to the hotel, is stony one. Honestly, I do not like the stony beaches. However, it is extremely fascinating to watch how the waves break a shore.

I decided to go on foot along seashore to the center of Pathos. Fortunately, all seashores in Cyprus are owned by the state, so there is no restriction in passing the territory of the hotels nearby.
The way to the city took me about two hours. It was exciting, but I would not repeat it again, because it is a really exhausting thing, and seashore is not well organised for pedestrians. Eventually, I have had some corns on the foot, and, what is more, I have had a sun burn. I could not even imagine that on the first day I would suffer so dramatically.

At the city center I had a long walk along the promenade. After walking I visited the local supermarket Papantoniou and bought some local white wine to taste it at the hotel.

The return way was not so easy neither. The thing is that the bus stop is located not really close to the hotel. So, it took me almost 20 minutes to get to the hotel on foot. The truth is that while visiting Cyprus you should rent a car to have opportunity of traveling easily. Pedestrians are not welcomed here.

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