Tuesday 31 July 2018

Prague, The Castle

The Castle squareThe view on the Prague city

The morning starts with the Corners Coffee. Actually, it is 2 kilometers from my apartments, but I am happy to make this little journey on foot. Indeed, it is another opportunity to enjoy the surroundings of the Prague 10 district.

Again, I pass by the television tower and stop at the Riegrovy Sady for a while.

On the way back I stayed at Havlicek Gardens, where I came to the restaurant Vinicini Altan. Here I drank some white wine from the local vineyard. The vine was average to my taste. However, it is definitely worth trying, just for experience, because you may not have another opportunity to taste wine produced in the Czech Republic.

In Havlicek Gardens there is another attraction, which should be visited while you are walking in the park. Actually, it is grotto, the artificial cave with the gracefully decorated fountain in the front. This quite corner might be a real salvation if you feel hot and tired.

In the afternoon I go for lunch to Ceska Kuchyne, the restaurant, which is located not far from the street Na Prikope, close to the market. For the pork with mushrooms, knedlics and a bottle of water I paid 138 crowns. One interesting feature is that you should pay money at the cashier desk when exiting the restaurant. In general, it looks like an ordinary canteen, and to my mind, the food is average here. So, the place itself is not impressive.

This spit roasted pork on the street reminded me of one of the most famous traditional Czech dishes, which is called Veprove Koleno. I definitely should try it while staying in Prague!

Now I am heading for the Prague castle, that is placed on the other side of the river, across the Charles Bridge.

At the entrance to the Castle from Nerudova street there is the hotel Zlata Hvezda, where I used to stay seven years ago. The hotel is really gorgeous outside and inside. I still remember, that the service was superb there. So, I decided to take a table and order a drink to relax before visiting today's main attraction. Honestly, the prices at this restaurant are doubled. For example, Pilsener costs here 75 crowns. Still, I went for the lemonade with the price of 70 crowns. Honestly speaking, it is the unique situation when beer in Prague costs more than water! Anyways, for the superb location you are expected to pay.
By the way, the waiters in Prague very often have the big leather wallets to give you the change as soon as possible.

It is 8 pm. There are no crowds of tourists near the castle. So, I could make some photos without numerous people in the picture. And what is more important, I was able to enjoy the silence while looking at the fascinating things around.

It is getting dark, but I decided to spend some time on the Charles Bridge and admire the colourful sunset.

The atmosphere of the night Prague is totally charming, and the monuments illuminated by electric lights look even more impressive. I wish, I could devote the whole night to strolling in the cobbled streets of the city. Nevertheless, I should go home, because I feel extremely drowsy.

Monday 30 July 2018

Prague, With the local guide

Franciscan gardenA park

At 10 am I have another excursion around Prague with the local guide Michaela. Briefly, we have made the journey from the Venclav square to the Letninske sady. On our way I had an introduction to the history of Prague, and Michaela was happy to answer any question.

One of the pleasant discoveries for me was the tranquil garden, hidden in the bustling centre and planted with the numerous fruit trees. It is called the Franciscan garden, and it sets right next to the Church of Our Lady of the Snows. The entrance to this 'secret place' is through a passage from Wenceslas Square, near the street of Vodickova.

Then we passed by one of the oldest markets in Prague - Havelske trziste. I should say, that fruits and vegetables are expensive here, but the small souvenirs are quite cheap.

50 metres from the market the restaurant Ceska Kuchyne is located, where the traditional food is served. Probably, one day I will come to this place, because the prices on display look promising.

Later there was the Powder Gate, 65 meters high, which is one of the important monuments of Late Gothic Prague. Basically, it separates the Prague's New Town from the Old Town, but formerly it was served as a gunpowder store and was part of the "Royal Way", involved into the process of the coronations of the kings.

Another landmark of Prague is the Church of Our Lady Before Tyn, which towers, 80 metres high, can be seen from all over the city. It is located on the Old Town square and partly hidden behind the four-storey Tyn School. The "unnoticeable" entrance to this church is along a passage from the square, through the third (from the left) of the Tyn School’s four arches.

On the Old Town square you will also find the prominent monument to Jan Hus. By the way, Jan Hus is the most important and influential religious reformer of the fifteenth century. His personality became the symbol of disagreement and the symbol of strength against the despotic regimes of that times. Martin Luther himself was strongly influenced by this Czech theologian.
One of the signs on the memorial, devoted to this philosopher, says "Milujte se, pravdy kazdemu prejte" or "Love each other and wish the truth to everybody".

Finally, we crossed the river Vltava and finished our excursion in the beer garden drinking a glass of beer and chatting freely about everything,

After the tour I have visited the places which were recommended by Michaela. First, it was the restaurant Lokal with relatively cheap prices and, secondly, it was the restaurant T-Anker on the roof of the shopping mall. The main feature of this restaurant is the fantastic view to Prague.

When I came back home I fall asleep at once. I woke up at 9 pm and felt extremely hungry. Therefore, I started to look for a place to eat not far away from my apartment. I stayed at the restaurant U Bansethu. Here, I went for the duck with sour cabbage and potato. In simple words, it was delicious. I would say that from that moment the duck has become my favorite dish. All in all, the supper cost me 150 crowns.

Sunday 29 July 2018

Prague, Parks in the city

Riegrovy Sady parkHavlickovy Sady park

Bright morning with the clear sky. Small breakfast at home. So, I am ready to start my walking tour in search of good fresh coffee.
Yesterday my host told me about a place where they serve the best coffee in the city, in his opinion. It is called Corners Coffee. And according to the map it must be located 1.5 km away from my residence (Praha 10-Vinohrady). Why not to reach this place on foot, I thought.

Well, it was not easy, but I found it with the directions from the map on my smartphone. On my way I discovered so many richly decorated houses and the beautiful park Havlickovy Sady with vineyard.

Coffee at Corners Coffee is really good. Here, I went for cappuccino, which cost me 60 crowns, and the croissant for 25 crown.

After drinking coffee I continued exploration of the district. Meanwhile, I found a weird telecommunication tower of 216 metres high and a new big garden called Sady Bratri Capku.

People say that this tower is one of the ugliest buildings in the world. However, I don't support that point of view, and I consider it very attractive.

Another park on my way was called Riegrovy Sady, situated on the hill, with wooden and open grassy areas. I promised myself to come back to this place again and enjoy the breathtaking view of the city from that point. But now I should continue the walking.

After some time my walking tour turned out to be tiresome because of the hot temperature and all those ups and downs. So, I went home to have some rest.

Today's lunch I decided to have at the restaurant U Graffu, which is close to the IP Pavlova underground station. For one beer, a garlic soup and diablo sausage I paid around 227 crowns, including 15% tips. Everything would be fine if not the included "automatic" tips, which was quite surprising for me.

The small supper was at Zvonarka restaurant, with a lovely terrace under a branching tree and Gabrinus for 38 crowns. I think, that finally, I found the place, where I am willing to come back again and again. I recommend it by all means!

It was a very good day, chiefly because of the very nice parks I have located today. And now I am in anticipation of  the next day to make the new discoveries.