Saturday 25 June 2022

Dresden, Demolished and restored


I have decided to go to the German city, which is very close to Prague, and which is very often offered for a weekend-trip for those who are staying in Prague. It is Dresden, the capital of Saxony, 150 kilometres to the north from Prague.

Dresden is divided into two parts by the river Elbe: the new town (Neustadt) and the old town (Altstadt). I have found an affordable hotel in the Neustadt, which is very famous among younger people, because you can discover there an alternative lifestyle rivalling what you would find, for example, in Berlin.

During the World War II, the bombing raids on February 1945 almost destroyed this German city. So, those raids became a symbol of the “terror bombing” campaign against Germany.

However, in the decades following the war, Dresden underwent a remarkable transformation, with many of its iconic buildings and cultural landmarks being restored to their former glory.

Dresden is known primarily for its Baroque buildings. And there are three major architectural landmarks in Dresden: the Baroque Zwinger Palace, Semperoper opera house and the Church of Our Lady (the Frauenkirche).

The rest of the day I have spent in the Neustadt walking, eating and drinking. One of the most amazing impressions was meeting the sunset on the open field...

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