Tuesday 7 August 2018

Prague, Don'ts and Don'ts

In this post I would like to enumerate some practical tips, which could be useful in case someone wants to visit Prague for the first time. I hope, this information will help to make the forthcoming trip much safer and more entertaining.

Cobbled street
First of all, don't take the high heels with you. Instead, wear some comfortable shoes. Cobbled streets are not going to spare your foot.

The long stairs
Don't be afraid of the long stairs and, probably, the reward is expecting you at the end of the way. In my case it was the restaurant Zvonarka with a beautiful terrace and good kitchen.

A ticket machine
Don't forget about purchasing a ticket for the bus or the underground using this machine. You may not see the conductors during your trip at all, but the fine is really huge (it is 800 crowns and more).

The place for making a wish on the Charles Bridge
Don't miss this place on the Charles Bridge to make a wish by touching the figure on the iron framework.

The pork's knee
Don't try to eat the pork knee alone. You will definitely need a partner to share this meal. Otherwise, you would need two hours and many pints of beer to finish this meal.

The statue of Don Giovanni near the Estates Theatre
Don't put your head into the hole of the statue of Don Giovanni near the Estates Theatre. You obviously don't want to get stuck into this trap. Do you?

The vineyard
Don't pick the grapes behind the fencing. Especially, if there is a warning that it is poisoned or there is a fierce curse as it is in Vysehrad. However, I have to admit, that the apples from the Petrinske Zahrady were quite good.

A peacock
Don't disturb the peacocks in the Wallenstein Palace Gardens and don't pluck out their feathers.

The interior of a church
Don't hesitate entering a church if you are tired or feel hot. In most cases the entrance is free.

The beer menu
Don't drink beer in craft bars, because this type of beer is relatively expensive here. Instead, try such popular kinds of beer as Staropramen, Kozel or Bernard with excellent taste and moderate prices starting from 35 crowns.

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