Thursday 2 August 2018

Prague, Meat and beer

Veprovo koleno (or pork's knee)A funny beer-pong game

The heat wave is still in progress. But nothing will stop me from my intention to learn the Czech cuisine. Literally, I have been getting ready for this event during several days by not eating too much. Well, it is a pork's knee (or "veprovo koleno" in Czech). Moreover, specially for that occasion I decided to make all the way from my apartment to the city centre on foot to provoke my appetite.

So, 5 kilometers are behind, and I am at the restaurant Krcma near the Old Town square. 

Pork knee costs here 285 crowns per 1.2 kilo. This was an enormous portion, and at the end of the meal I was almost dying. However, I could not let the Czech people think that I am a weak person and not able to finish the dish. So, I have completed it.
Still, I am not sure if I am going to repeat this experience once more. It is too much for me. Luckily, the pork is served with lots of red pepper, horse reddish, mustard and sour cucumber, which helps you to eat more meat and to digest it without a problem.
So, the supper cost me 408 crowns for pork knee, two dark beers and one lemonade. I also left additional 42 crowns as the tips. Good restaurant, good food and good service.

Wallenstein garden (or Valdstejnska zahrada) is another example of Baroque gardens in Prague. This 17th-century park is situated in front of the Senate palace. It is the perfect place for relaxation, and therefore it is often visited by numerous tourists. Though, to my mind, the distinctive feature of this place is the peacocks, freely strolling between the trees, and also the golden fish in the pond.

Tonight I have a special event devoted to visiting different public places in Zizkov neighbourhood. The tour is called Pub Crawl. While staying in some bar we are going to play different games, communicate and drink a lot of beer.

So, the first game was called beer pong. The opposite team should have drunken the beer if they put the ball into the glass. Our team lost the game.
The second task was connected with answering some questions about Prague. To complete this task we had to question the locals. When we took the seats at the beer garden at Riegrovy Sady a heavy rain started. Actually, it was the first rain for the last six days of my staying in Prague. Lastly, we could relieve a little bit.
Another game in the very strange pub for marginals was about guessing the names of the profession written on our foreheads. At that time I was nominated to be a porn director.
At the end of our tour we stayed in the new bar playing pantomimes and football table. It was really cool. We were totally tanked. However, despite the fact that my house was located 5 kilometres away from our current location, I was able to get home safe and sound.

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