Thursday 14 February 2013

Israel. Ancient times.

The remains of ancient CesariyaThe remains of ancient Cesariya

It is cloudy today, luckily. I feel that my skin got sunburn already and it needs some rest for a while.

My next point of destination is Cesariya, the most ancient city in Mediterranean district. There is no direct route to the city, so I have to change the bus. The stop should be in Hedera. In Netaniya I take bus 730. In Hedera I take the bus 76. It is a really long way because the last bus makes a big loop. I believe, in that case the better idea could be taking an excursion, so I would just sit in minibus and relax. Stillб all this is for my experience. Moreover, I was the only passenger to Cesariya. The driver even played a joke that the bus was special for me, like taxi. Fun.

Well, in Cesariya you can see a lot of ruins and one of the main attractions is the ancient theatre.

I was afraid of coming back, because I did not know anything about schedule and I could miss infrequent bus. However, everything was ok.

In Natania I went to a shop and occasionally met a woman, who is working as assistant here. She told me about some facts from her life. The main idea was that it was impossible to find a good work in Israel without any acquaintance. However, she said that it was not bad to live here even in hot summer. Still, I could feel that there was lack of communication with Russian people in her life. It is sad. My strong belief that a person should live in a country where he was born, and it is wrong to look for a good fortune in another place.

Now I am sitting at the restaurant London, drinking coffee after kebab and relaxing. By the way, the portions in Israel are so big, that you should be careful not to order many dishes at one time.

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