Friday 15 February 2013

Israel. Hustle and bustle.

The big waves on the sea in NetaniaA tree is bending down from the high wind

Today I had to miss my excursion to Tel Aviv, which was presented by Israel diamond center for free. The thing is that I left my jacket at the restaurant yesterday and I decided to collect it this morning. Fortunately, it was given me back when I asked them about my loss.

So, I don't know how to spend this day. At first I wanted to go to Latrun where I could visit the tank museum. Then I considered going to Akko, but a woman at information desk in a bus station said that today's schedule is not frequent and the public transport stops early. In fact, it is Friday, the beginning of Shabat.

Ok then, I decided to go to Tel Aviv, but the last bus is at 16 o'clock. Luckily, I have been there before and I can orientate myself easier. It is bus 605.

This time I was walking up and down Allenby street and Rotshield boulvard. Street musicians, flea market carmel, numerous shops and friendly atmosphere - all this can be interesting for everyone. But, honestly speaking, I didn't like hustle and bustle of the city.

Surprisingly, while leaving the center at 15 o'clock I noticed that life in the city was coming to a standstill. Many shops were closed and there was no crowd in the streets. Friday, Shabat.

When I arrived to the hotel, there were a lot of local people there. It was extremely noisy. The receptionist said that it was the end of the week, and local families are used to celebrate it at the hotels.

This evening I went to the Chinese restaurant Chung Shing to have a dinner. I ordered spicy beef with bean sauce and fried banana. There was also a Chinese beer for drink. Delicious. It was the perfect ending of the day and completion of my trip to this wonderful country.

Eventually, the storm has started. And the sea has raged all the night as if it was saying goodbye.

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