Sunday 10 February 2013

Israel. Bahai gardens.

The view over Haifa

I can not say that I feel happy about my room, but it is ok. The only thing I hate is that the promised sea view is not really like that one.

I woke up at 7 a.m. and went down to breakfast. It is not grand but there is some choice here. Then I went into the street and bought tooth paste at the local drugstore. I would say prices are rather expensive here, and I could buy it in my hometown for much cheaper price! One more thing, there are a lot of lottery stands here. Israel people must be loving gambling.

The next step was buying some fruits. I found the fruit store, where I choose the mandarines and kivi. It is incredible, but the seller changed the prices on the box with kiwi in my presence! Ok then, the fruits were not so bad.

Today the streets are more crowdy than it was on Saturday, because yesterday there was time of Sabbath, when Jewish people do not work at all, and the most shops are closed. There is a tradition that in this period of time Jewish people cannot cook for themselves, to light a fire or to turn on some electrical devices. We even have in our hotel a special elevator for the Sabbath. To tell the truth, I do not know exactly why it is special, but it exists.

Hopefully, the weather has improved, and I decided to go to Haifa, which is a big seaport in the Northern part of the country. I went to the bus station, paid to the driver about 24 shekels, and my journey started. By the way, it is very difficult to orientate yourself, because not many signs are translated into English here. In that case you should know in advance what your platform is and what the bus number is, and ask a lot not to be confused with the wrong direction! There were a lot of young soldiers, both girls and boys, with the guns in my bus. I understand, it is for our safety only.

When we arrived to the city, I realised that I didn't know where to go next. The bus station is located in outskirts, so I had to take a bus to the city center.

It was the bus 133 with the stop at Central Carmel, close to the Persian Gardens, which were my main point of destination. I wandered for some time and finally found the right place.

The park is spreading down the mountain with a marble staircase with nice flowers and big palms. Unfortunately, I couldn't walk down the stairs, because the last group for today started their walking ten minutes ago. Still, it is a really nice place to visit.

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