Tuesday 12 February 2013

Israel. Galilean mountains.

Somewhere in JerusalemA photo with a palm tree

It has been raining throughout the night. Chilly. However, I have had a good sleep. I should mention that local people are really glad to have rain, because Israel greatly depends on rainwater. They also use the methods of distilling sea water, but the rains are the main source of fresh water these days.
The breakfasts at the hotel are diverse, but unfortunately the porridge, which is my favorite dish for breakfast, is poor.

Today I have a trip to Galilee, the north part of Israel. First we drove by Armageddon, where according to the tradition will be the last battle between good and evil.

Then we arrived to Nazareth, the place where Maria and Joseph were announced about birth of Messiah, and where Jesus spent his childhood. The most important sacred place in Nazareth is the church of the Annunciation.

Our guide for this day is a very expressive woman Rina. It was rather interesting to listen to her stories and extracts from the Bible, but I caught a little information.

Then we moved to the river Iordan which is supposed to be holy river according to many religions. There is a tradition, that you should dip into the water three times if you want that all your sins would be absolved. Usually they offer to buy the baptismal shirt for 20 dollars or so. I washed only my face.

Then we visited many churches, which were built at the place where Jesus Christ worked his wonders. Most of the places are located close to Lake Kineret, which is the country’s largest and most important source and reservoir of drinking water. It was here, where Jesus Christ walked on the water.
The excursion was very informative, and unsurprisingly I got tired at the end of the day.

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