Sunday 15 February 2015

Belokuriha. Cerkovka Mountain.

The Cerkovka cable railwayThe Cerkovka rock

Hopefully, when I woke up after such an exhausting night, I felt fine. I instantly hurried to the canteen, because there was a specific time for having breakfast and I did not have any option to skip it. Actually, the meals in sanatorium are based on a pre-order system. For instance, you tick the dishes for the next day in the sheet of the paper and later you can enjoy your choice. Moreover, it is possible to choose the size of the portion - small, medium or large. I always went for medium one.

Which is remarkable and, what I adore the most about this place, is that my sanatorium is located on the slope of the hill. So, every morning I have opportunity to take Terrainkur, which is maintained by the sanatorium. In short, Terrainkur can be described as a developed walking route with a therapeutic purpose. Actually, it is incredibly popular in Belokuriha, and any worthwhile sanatorium has it to offer. Then, after my breakfast I immediately went to this healthy path.

Undoubtedly, it may take you some effort to finish this walking tour, but it is incredibly easy to breath here among pine trees. And this is the most rewarding aspect of having such an exausting walking.

After a while, I found myself on the top of a ski slope, where I could observe the whole town of Belokuriha. People say, that this ski lift is switched on for young sportsmen specifically. Nevertheless, the infrustructure nearby is not developed well so far.

When I returned to my room, there was almost the time for lunch. So, that was a good way to work up an appetite, and starting with this morning that walking became an obligatory part of my daily activities in those days. 
Another portion of my activities was regular visiting of the central part of Belokuriha resort, where almost all sanatoriums are concentrated. In general, it took me about 20 minutes to get to this place from my sanatorium.
On my way I met such popular holiday centers as Rossiya, Altay West, Katun, Sibir, Castle of Altay, Centersoyuz. They all look really attractive, but they are too big for my taste.

During my strolling I also discovered two ski slopes Katun1 and Katun2, which are located in front of the sanatorium Katun. As for me, these slopes are slightky difficult for beginners. For safier descent, there is another area, which is situated on the territory of sanatorium Rossiya. I wanted to try this simple ground, but unfortunately, I did not have the passport with me to rent the equipment.

I continued exploring the local remarkable sights by visiting Cerkovka.Cerkovka is a mountain of about 794 metres in height.There is a rope tow, which can deliver you to the very top of the mountain. The duration of the trip on the lift is something 25 minutes. It moves rather slow and during this period you can both freeze to death because of the height and feel amazed because of the nature's beauty. On the top you can take an excursion and discover a boulder, which gave the name to this place. Do not miss opportunity to try mulled wine from the local cafeteria, especially if you go here in Winter! It really can help you warm up.

Another intensive day of my staying in Belokuriga is about to finish. Still, I want to continue my relaxation and I go to the skating ring. 
Later, I play american pool. Surprisingly, the score is 6:4 to my advantage. I would lay money that he plays in my favour!

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