Thursday 19 February 2015

Belokuriha. Path to the gorge.

A small pond in a snowy forestA tree arch

Today is a bright, sunny, but cold day. The frosts have come to Belokuriha. Still, I overcame myself and went for a morning walking. Luckily, it is windless. This is why the cold is not felt much while you are on-the-move. And I was moving.

Here, on the hill, I met again an old man with his red dog. This is such a positive and kind person. He every day comes into the forest, feeds birds, gathers some strobiles and uses it to decorate the trees or snowmen. What is more, he treads out the paths for the tourists.

The low temperatures, of course, did not prevent me from ice skating.

There was a free excursion from the sanatorium today. It was a walking tour along a picturesque ravine with a professional quide, who told us some interesting facts about that place and Belokuriha. This route was about two kilometres long 

The main point of our destination was a place, where a sawmill was located some time ago. People gave to this place the name "Mill". One interesting fact I have known from our guide is that the name Belokuriha more likely originates from the name of the first setller Belokurov, who established a manor here.

Generally, there are about 15 thousands people live in Belokuriha. Another five thousands are the guests who receive some medical treatment in 14 sanatoriums. Belokuriha and its curative features are connected first of all with radon water and highly ionized air. Scietists say, that the concentration of aerial ions here is twice as much as in alpine Switzerland.

In the evening there was an interesting meeting with a group of ethnic musicians in sanatorium. We had an opportunity to hear the music and voices of unique culture.

Tonight I also got aquainted with the night life in Belokuriha. Before I arrived to Belokuriha, I was told about two main points of interest, which I visited with great pleasure. So, the best disco club is located in Rossiya sanatorium, and the best karaoke bar is Solo, which is in Altay-West sanatorium.
As a result, I returned home at four o'clock in the morning.

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