Saturday 18 March 2017

Europe, The City of Toledo

The ancient bridge the old city of ToledoThe old walls of Toledo

Today I am going to see the city of Toledo. In the morning after my breakfast I went to Atocha station, which is located only in 15 minutes on foot from my house.

All train tickets for the nearest two hours were sold out, and I bought the trip for 12:20. I also had to buy a return ticket. All in all, I paid for the journey 20.60 euro. I used an automatic machine to buy my tickets, and luckily I had my plastic card with me, because this machine did not accept any banknotes.

So, I go with Renfe trains. But before, I had a nice walking around the city centre.

I was on the train station 30 minutes before departure, because I was not aware of the station at all. First, I went in the wrong departure hall which is located on the upper floor. The girl told me about this misfortune when she scanned my ticket. I should have read the information on the information board more carefully.

We were in Toledo in 25 minutes. It is only 71 kilometres from Madrid.

We stopped at the beautifully designed train station. And then I made a short walk to the foot of the city. It took me about 15 minutes to get to the main gates.

So, Toledo was the capital of the Spanish empire until the mid 1500's when the royal court moved to Madrid. Toledo is know as "the city of three cultures" having been influenced by a historical co-existence of Christians, Muslims and Jews; and due to this fact, Toledo's historic buildings represent a variety of architectural styles.

The old city is surrounded by the big wall and it is located on the hill about 100 metres high, so you would need some efforts to climb it. Nevertheless, for the laziest people there are escalators in some slopes.

Well, the city is very cosy with its very narrow streets. Somehow it reminded me of the city of Mdina in Malta, but this one is much bigger, and one day is simply not enough to walk around this city. Currently I have such a feeling that I want to come back here another time.

What can you do in Toledo? Simply allow yourself to be lost in Toledo's narrow, winding, cobbled, medieval streets. Personally, I got lost here several times, and it was a fantastic feeling every time when I managed to find a way out.

The only disadvantage of my coming to Toledo is that there were lots of tourists there, but in the afternoon the city starts breathing more freely. It was a pity, that very soon I had to come back to Madrid, because first I have a return ticket and secondly there will be an extraordinary show tonight.

"Flamenco at the backstage" is the name of the performance which I am going to visit. The theatre is located on the upper floor of the market Anton Martin, near my apartments. This show is another version of Flamenco that I am used to knowing before. Basically, it should be about music, singing and expressing the emotions. No dancing at all!

On the stage there were three women, who sang, and a pianist, who accompanied them. I liked this version of flamenco very much, because these people did it with all heart and passion. Unfortunately, it was extremely hot there, and one man even lost his conscious during the performance.

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