Wednesday 15 March 2017

Europe, The Taste of Madrid

In MadridOn Madrid's street

My flight is at 12:10, so I have some time for the morning strolling. Eventually, I have decided to look at the Izar river, which is just a few hundreds meters from my house.

On the way to the river I bumped into the old cemetery, which was established in 1563, and now it contains the graves of several prominent Munich figures of the 19th century. It is called The Alter Sudfriedhof (Old South Cemetery).

Well, the Izar is a shallow and narrow river. However, the German people are really proud of it. They say that the river is more than just a nice sight. It is a major city attraction. The water is extremely clean here, because it comes from the Alps, and local people even go swimming in summer.

I am at the Central Station. The way from the HauptBahnhof to the airport with line S8 took about 40 minutes. I was just in the right time.
I had the electronic ticket with me, but the automatic machine did not want to recognize the bar code, so I went to the desk to have my ticket printed.
Finally, there was a physical check, where I had to pull out all my bottles and tubes, so it would be a great idea to put all items in one plastic bag.

I fly with Iberia airlines. The boarding is 30 minutes before taking off. While entering the board I hear the first Spanish word 'Hola'. And I also respond with 'Hola'.

Due to the fact that the ticket was very cheap, the meal was not provided. So, I paid 10 euro for the tapas menu, which consisted of a glass of red wine and iberico hamon. It was a good starting of my trip to Spain.

We left the board and entered the departure area. There was no any control after our arrival, and very soon we left the airport.
The airport Barajas is extremely big, however I was able to find the exit quite easily.

In fact, it is possible to go to the city centre from the airport either by underground or by Renfe train, which starts here, at the airport. Unfortunately, the underground is closed due to some works, and I took the train. The cost of one way ticket is 2.60 euro. In 30 minutes I arrived at the Atocha station, the central station of Madrid.

At first sight Madrid amazed me by its grand and chic architecture, green plantations and clean streets. Indeed, it justifies its title of the imperial city of the great country.

In fifteen minutes I was in the apartments, I rented with Airbnb. I was met by the wonderful woman, who briefly told me about Madrid and its main attractions. She also presented me the city's map with some marks.

When leaving the house I suddenly felt the sense of euphoria. It has happened the second time for the whole trip. Everything was fitted in one: the home is beautiful, the hostess is nice, and the weather is rather comfortable. Now I am absolutely ready to relax.

Figuratively, in Munich the Spring was knocking the door, but in Madrid it has opened the door and started reigning.

First of all, I found out where the Prado museum is located, and secondly I have got acquainted with the nearby surroundings. I have covered all the distances on foot, but I was absolutely happy to stroll around this sunny city.

Now I am in front of the Prado museum. There is a long queue. Pure people! I wonder how it is possible to get in without being exhausted. However, I am going to think about this later, because currently I hope to enjoy my unhurried walking.

I am in front of San Jerónimo el Real, the impressive parish church from the early 16th century. When you step inside, you can find several valuable works of art, such as sculptures by Benlliure and Juan Pascual de Mena, paintings by Vincenzo Carducci and Jose Mendez, neo-Gothic lamps and stained-glass windows. 

I continue my walking along Paseo del Prado, one of the main boulevards in Madrid. I met numerous fancy statues and fountains here and stopped in front of Banco de Espana, one of Madrid's most emblematic buildings. Then I turn to Calle de Alcala.

All of a sudden, I found myself in the Buen Retiro park. It is an enormous and magnificent park, filled with beautiful sculptures, monuments, galleries and a peaceful lake, where people are moving in rowboats and paddle boats.

At the evening I went to the tapas bar, where I ordered two pieces of bruschetta with jamon and salmon. Of course, I could not miss the opportunity to taste a glass of flavoured Spanish wine.

The night Madrid has extremely charming and relaxing atmosphere, and you feel absolutely safe among all these noisy but friendly people.

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