Monday 13 March 2017

Europe, The Oldest Brewery

The old breweryA beer transportation

It is the beginning of the working week. And the traffic is much heavier than it was on the weekend. Now I can see in the streets so many cars and lots of bicyclists, which even have their own line. The arrival of my bus to the centre is changing all the time. Here is my bus, at last.

The temperature outside is freezing cold, literally it is minus 1. I go to the Central Station and choose S-bahn S1 to visit Schleisshaim palace, which is only 14 kilometres north of central Munich. Actually, the Schleissheim Palace represents three individual palaces in a grand baroque park. These ones are located on grounds of over 80 hectares. The complex is situated in the village of Oberschleissheim, and it used to be a summer residence of the Bavarian rulers.

Schleissheim Palace was also used as a film location for some notable motion pictures. One of the last movies is "The Three Musketeers" by Paul W.S. Anderson. 
Unfortunately, the complex is closed on Mondays, and I could not get in, but I had opportunity to walk in the park around the palaces. Nevertheless, the combination ticket for visiting all three palaces would cost 8 euro.

The grand park is one of the rare preserved baroque gardens in Germany. The dominant feature of the landscape here is the system of canals. And the special place occupies The Grand Canal with these beautiful swans.

With its embroidered parterres, pools, fountains and cascades the park presents a unique design, the basic features of which have remained unchanged as it was planned by its author.

After leaving Schleissheim, I continue my journey with S1 and go to city of Freising, which is 43 kilometres from Munich. It is small but the oldest city in Bavaria with an almost 1300 year history.

One interesting fact about S1 train is that it goes in two directions simultaneously. And at some stop passengers from the rear part of the train are asked to change the carriage. Luckily, I was in the rear part of the train, so I did not need to leave the wagon.

There are numerous picturesque squares, nooks and alleys here. And I could not miss opportunity to stroll around and have a look at the quiet, secluded lifestyle in the town.

After meditation I had to make up my physical strength. I went to the Greek restaurant Delphi at the entrance to the old city. There was "Mittagessen" time and I could choose the meal with attractive price. I went for giros with zucchini and rice. The salad was complimentary. For the drink I ordered Greek coffee in a genuine cezve.

Honestly, the real reason why I came to Freising is Weihenstephan brewery. Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan, "the oldest brewery in the world, which is in operation these days". Now it is owned by the Free State of Bavaria and can be found in the buildings of the former Weihenstephan Abbey.

I did not have any idea how to get to the brewery. However, somehow with the directions on the street I came across to this place. It is located on the Weihenstephan hill, from where you can observe breathtaking view of the old town of Freising and the distant Alps.

Later, I entered the local bier hall. For the start I ordered the tasting menu consisting out of three different kinds of beer - Original hell, which is actually lager, Wheat beer and Dark beer. The most tasty beer was the first one. However, I decided to continue with unfiltered Pilsener.

It is time to pay the bill. The whole sum is 16.20 euro. The remarkable thing, and this is a common thing in Munich, the waiters do not go to the cashier desk. Instead, they always have the terminal with them and promptly print the check for you. Moreover, they have a big wallet to give you the change. Service in a German manner :-)

Due to the relatively compact size of the city, Freising is easily navigable on foot. Moreover, there are directions everywhere. So, it was not a problem to find the way back.

In fact, if you arrive at the airport of Munich and have a few hours of waiting for the next flight you may go to Freising to spend a lovely time here, especially as there is a regular bus which connects the airport and the town and runs every 20 minutes (it is also possible to use S-bahn).

Do not miss visiting in Freising such attractions as Marienplatz with St. Mary's column, Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Corbinian, the Town Hall and an impressive baroque St. George Tower.

I came back to Munich when it was totally dark. So, I had another great opportunity to stroll around the night city.

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