Friday 23 June 2023

Roma, Eternal Beauty

This is my second visit to Roma. And I strongly believe that it will be not the last time when I come to this eternal city. I am endlessly in love with architecture, history, art, beauty and unique atmosphere of the place. Can you imagine that the city is 2775 years old?!

So, we arrived by plane from Prague, and then took the train to the city centre, from where we had underground and some walk to our hotel San Giovanni.

Surprisingly for me, the hotel turned out to be very good, and I am absolutely satisfied with the amenities and personnel there.

To my delight, at this time I have a companion, who I will observe the sights with. Somehow I will be a guide for my friend, because I have already visited the city before, and I can orientate myself here quite easily. Of course, I have not seen all remarkable places in Roma, so for me the new discoveries also will happen for sure.

One of the sights which I have not hit during the previous trip, is the Colosseum. So, for the start we headed there. To say briefly, it is impressive. Just for the information, it is the largest ancient amphitheater ever build, and it is still the largest standing amphitheater in the world. Unfortunately, we did not enter inside, but it will be certainly done during the next visits to Roma.

The second miraculous sight is the Trevi Fountain. Definitely, it is worth visiting at the evening when the illuminations are turned on.

Such a nice beginning of our exciting journey. There will be two more full days of staying here, and I am pretty sure, that with my co-traveler it must be a blast.

1 comment:

  1. такие красивые снимки! талант у автора
