Sunday 25 June 2023

Roma, Vatican

Before leaving Roma we agreed to see the Vatican. It is quite far from the place, where we live, but it is a must-see landmark.
We decided not to buy any ticket to enter the museums of Vatican, but my friend was satisfied with the fact that she could observe the Saint Peter's Square. Moreover, we could hear the traditional speech of the Pope Francis.

We could not enter the Saint Paul's Cathedral, but we visited another remarkable church of Saint Ignatius with some kind of unique dome, which is in fact turned out to be a fake one. The story says that the the founders simply could not afford to build a real dome, so the artist Andrea Pozzo has created this illusion.

For the final word, I would like to tell about our experience with restaurants in Roma. Honestly, not all our attempts to enjoy the Italian food here were successful. Sometimes the food was awful, and sometimes the service was even rude. Still, I would love to mention two dishes which were very delicious to my taste. These are artichoke and burrata with anchoes. I think everyone should try it when staying in Italy, if they are bored with pasta and pizza.

Our trip to Roma is coming to end, and tomorrow we are flying back to Prague, with lots of memories and very good experience. I hope, that I will see this wonderful city one more time. But probably, I would come here in Autumn, to avoid a heat wave and to enjoy the atmosphere of the place without being exhausted by the baking sun. See you soon, Roma!

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