Saturday 24 June 2023

Roma, Spanish Steps

One more day in Roma, and after a hearty breakfast we can continue to conquer the city!

The further important landmark here is called the Spanish Steps. They say that it is the longest and widest steps in Europe. The steps were built in Rococo style between 1723 and 1726, and they lead from the Piazza di Spagna square to the French monastery church Trinita dei Monti. In the 17th century, the Spanish embassy was located at the base of the stairs, hence we have the name "Spanish Steps".

The city of Rome is also the home to the largest collection of the Egyptian Obelisks in the world. Now I want to know, how did they arrive to Rome, and what did they mean to Roman emperors and citizens? 

Of course, we could not miss visiting the Pantheon, which is unique because it is the only ancient Roman building remained intact through the centuries. It was constructed as a temple dedicated to the Gods and became the burial ground for several important people, including famous artists and kings. Pantheon has the largest unsupported dome in the world made of concrete, and its diameter is around 43 meters.

Piazza Navona is one of the most beautiful squares in Rome, home to some of its most famous fountains, like the Fountain of the Four Rivers. Measuring up to 240 meters in length and 65 meters in width, there are multiple small alleys that lead onto the square which has 9 entries in total. The interesting fact is that the Piazza was initially a Stadium. But today, life in the Piazza revolves around a variety of open-air cafes and seasonal fairs. 

Very eventful day indeed. We are extremely tired but happy, that we could manage to see all these sights.

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