Saturday 31 March 2018

Europe, The best moments

It is becoming a tradition to sum up the results of the last trip.

The whole trip took roughly two weeks. And during this time I have visited 9 European cities in 4 different countries. I have made about 11800 kilometres in the air and on the road, including the relocations from Novosibirsk to Europe and back. Additionally, I have made hundreds kilometres on foot.

At times it was very tiring, but the reward was priceless: I have learnt new things, I have experienced new emotions and I have seen the world from the new side. It was cool.

The beginning of the trip from Novosibirsk to Europe with Pobeda

Milan, Italy

Venice, Italy

Brussels, Belgium

Bruges, Belgium

Ghent, Belgium

Antwerp, Belgium

The Hague, the Netherlands

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Dusseldorf, Germany

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