Sunday 18 March 2018

Europe, Long Way to Flooded City

An airplaneBoarding a plane

The idea of my next trip came to my mind rather spontaneously. In fact, I could not decide how to spend my next vacation for a long time, and the first sketchy plan popped up while talking with a fellow by the bar counter.
The thing was that I wanted to make the trip as cheap as possible. So, I started scanning the offers from the low budget airline companies. Honestly, we do not have many lowcosters in Russia, and currently the monopolist in this area is Pobeda. The most affordable price at that moment was for the flight to Milan, but it was with the transfer stops at Yekaterinburg and Moscow. The beginning of my trip looked rather tough. Still, after buying a ticket I realized that the real challenges would be ahead, because I have planned to stay in 9 cities during 13 days. Exciting, indeed.

A road map

It is true that travelling with lowcosters is generally cheap, but very often there are few restrictions and drawbacks. First of all, the flight may be multiple and tiresome, as it was in my case. Secondly, you can count on the small luggage only, but for the extra space you should pay extra money. And lastly, there is no free lunch on board. Enough reasons not to deal with the low-cost companies if you are a demanding tourist? Sure! But I am not that kind.

Well, my flight starts at 9:55, and it is very convenient for me. However, I have to arrive to the airport two hours in advance, because today we have had an election day, and we should vote for the president of the Russian Federation.

Honestly, flying with Pobeda is my first experience. Miraculously, the plane was in a good condition, and there was no delay.
Boeing 737-800. It is a modern aircraft. Unfortunately, the seats are not reclining, and there are no pockets behind the armchair. At least they offer some water on board!
We arrived at Yekaterinburg in 2 hours and 30 minutes. The next flight to Moscow is in 40 minutes, so there is enough time to be inspected and to reach the gate. 

Another 2 hours and a half, and we arrived to Vnukovo, Moscow.

I am aboard again. Milan is much closer now. Only 2 hours and 50 minutes divide us. I was pleasantly surprised by not having any neighbours next to me. So, I could relax and eat in comfort from my lunch box, which I took from home.

It is Bergamo airport, which is located some 45 kilometres from Milan. They say that it is the third busiest international airport in Italy, and for the most part it serves the low budget airlines.

I would say, that the crossing the border was really prompt, and the custom officer did not ask a question.

It is drizzling outside, but it is warmer than in Siberia, for sure. It is plus 8 degrees Celsius. Frankly, I am glad that it is not hot here, and it is so easy to breath.

At the arrival hall I picked up the ticket, which I booked with Pobeda, to get to Milan. I located my bus and took the seat close to a window.
It is evident, that the spring already came in Italy to rule. The grass is green, and figuratively it smells Spring. However, the trees are still bare.

The bus stopped at Milano Centrale. The huge building of the train station looks gorgeous inside and outside. I let myself walk around and take some photos of this imposing design.

There are almost two hours before departure to the next city. So, I headed for Duomo square using the directions from my mobile navigator.

First of all, I wanted to see the biggest church in Italy. However, before I found myself in front of the Cathedral, I walked through the magnificent shopping arcade, named Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. This is undoubtedly one of the best attractions in Milan.

Having glanced around the square I quickly headed backwards for the central station. I should continue my journey with the train to Venice.
In advance I have booked the premium service for a rather reasonable price, and therefore I had a comfortable leather armchair and some snacks included.

In two hours and a half the train arrived at Santa Lucia station, which is located not really far from my hotel.
It was late evening, and Venice was already hidden under the cover of night, but there were two outstanding features noticeable - unpleasant smell and flooded streets.

I reached my room absolutely drenched, and my shoes were squelching. Obviously, I should have taken wellingtons with me.

The hotel is cheap, but with the symbolic name of Leonardo, which actually attracted my attention. It looks like I am the only visitor here these days. I am a little bit scary. Nevertheless, I felt happy to find myself at this dry and warm place. A weary traveler after a long road wanted to sleep. And it was the only wish at that moment.

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