Wednesday 28 March 2018

Europe, Van Gogh was a Dutchman

Van Gogh's art galleryThe boats in Amsterdam

The main target for today is the museum, devoted to the famous Dutch Post-Impressionist painter, who lived between 1853 and 1890. In fact, we are going to see the museum of Van Gogh.

However, before inspecting the gallery we decided to visit a roof terrace of the science museum NEMO, which is located close to the Oosterdok.

The terrace is freely accessible for everyone, and from that point you may look out over Amsterdam and the city's historic harbour front.

After a relaxing strolling, we were ready to enter the museum and to admire the works of the extraordinary master. On the way we could not but make several stops, examining and taking photos of the numerous city's sights.

At this time we purchased the tickets online. One ticket costs 18 euro.
In fact, the museum houses the largest collection of the artist's works: more than 200 paintings, 500 drawings and 700 of his letters. You may see here such masterpieces as Sunflowers, Almond Blossom, The Potato Eaters, The Bedroom and a great number of the artist's self-portraits.
Unfortunately, you are not allowed to make any photos in the museum.

Well, it is an outstanding collection of paintings! Surely, it would take some time to digest what we have just seen. And I needed to rush to the open air as soon as possible, because I was afraid of getting fainted.

It is worth noting that the Van Gogh's creations are genius in their simplicity. To my mind, he is one of the few artists, who could fill the ordinary things with great sense and depth. I cannot claim, if Vincent was mentally ill or not, but with no doubts he had a brilliant talent and exceptional vision.

At night we traditionally walk through the vivid city built around a dam on the river Amstel. Even the drizzling rain is not an obstacle for us.

I am absolutely sure, that these countless bikes, numerous canals and fairy houses with their narrow facades and ample windows will always be the inspiration for many people, including me.
At the same time, I feel a little bit disappointed that so many people associate Amsterdam primarily with free love and affordable drugs, but not with its unique architecture and museums.

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