Friday 13 October 2017

Alanya, Paragliding on The Beach

ParaglidingOn the beach

By happy chance, the good weather is still holding. And I am trying to use every minute to catch sun and to get more tan. So, today I have visited the beach several times.

I continue my walking around the city and try to memorise all the remarkable spots on my way.

Now I am near the old shipyard, where I discovered a nice home restaurant under the medieval walls. I stayed here for lunch, and therefore I had to miss a meal time at my hotel. But it was worth it!
Dolma, the traditional bread with cheese, olives and orange juice. All in all, the supper cost me 13.5 lira. I would say that it was cheap, but above all it was tasty.

Let me introduce here some useful information about geography of Alanya. So, the town is divided east–west by a rocky peninsula, which is undoubtedly the distinctive feature of the city. The harbour, city centre, and Keykubat Beach, named after the Sultan Kayqubad I, are on the east side of the peninsula. Damlatas Beach, named for the famous "dripping caves", and Kleopatra Beach are to the west.

Paragliding is another popular type of amusement in Alanya. You will have the great opportunity to feel as if you are a free bird in the Alanya's sky with its great Mediterranean beach and castle view.
Paragliding flights in Alanya take place in the 700 meters of Taurus mountain, and usually they last about 20 minutes with landing on the famous Cleopatra Beach. The price of this attraction may cost up to 50 euro.

After visiting the landing area of the paragliders in the left part of the Cleopatra beach I walked along 2 kilometres coast and admired the promenade with its numerous palms and flower-beds.

The last night I was spending at the restaurant Kasif nearby my hotel with one glass of Efes and grilled cheese Haloomi. The cheese was delicious, but the beer was quite plane for my taste.
I wondered that my receipt included the sum in different currencies, such as dollars, euros, pounds of sterling, etc. Everything was organized here for the comfort of the guest.

In my opinion, the most positive thing about the restaurants in Turkey is that service there is very pleasing. For example, the manager says goodbye to everyone and shakes the guests' hand with genuine respect. I believe, it is an interesting and effective practice if you want the guests would come back again! And it definitely works.

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