Sunday 13 September 2015

Malta, Church service

A church in the center of VallettaThe interior of a church in Valletta

It is Sunday and the most of the shops are closed today, except souvenirs ones. At first, I wanted to go shopping, but now I have to change my plans. And it will be Valletta again.

After having my morning Espresso macchiato at the McCafe for only 1euro, I took ferry from Sliema to Valletta. I paid 2.80 euro for a round-trip ticket.
The whole trip takes no more than 10 minutes. For example, by bus it would take up to 25 minutes, because the bus makes the long loop.

In Valletta I have visited two beautiful churches and in one of them I caught the morning service.During the service there was a man, who was walking among parishioners and was collecting some money.
I was lucky enough also to hear a choir and organ music at Saint John cathedral. Saint John cathedral used to be the main church of the Order, so it is decorated so opulently.

All of a sudden, I became an eye-witness of some procession in the street.They were carrying the big cross and statues of saints. It must have been heavy!

In front of the Saint John cathedral I met the tourist train and took a 30 minutes trip around Valletta for only 5 euro. Definitely, I would recommend this kind of entertainment to everyone, because you will be able to enjoy breathtaking views while listening to the audio guide.

Over and over again I am enjoying the narrow and cosy Valletta's streets.

Today is a special day at Scotsman pub. Only on Sunday they offer a special meal. It was roast beef, served with roast potato, mashed potatoes, yourkshire pudding, fresh veg and gravy. Very delicious!

At Scotsman for drink I ordered Kinnie, a local soft drink with orange flavoring and herbs. Later, I asked for any Scottish beer and the barman brought Tennent's. I poured it in a glass carelessly, so there was much foam in it. And the barman, when he saw my negligence, said disapprovingly "I was going to offer you a job in a bar...". Fun.

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