Wednesday 16 September 2015

Malta, Maritime power

The harbor of MaltaThe luxurious yachts

Today I wished to visit the old fortified city Birgu, which also has the name Vittoriosa. It is located on the opposite side of the bay from Valletta, on the south side of the Grand Harbour. In short, it is such a small city with narrow cosy streets. As many other towns Birgu is a quite place in a daylight. And there are only occasional tourists in the streets.

To get to Birgu I took the Bus 3, which makes a round trip. First, from Valletta you can reach Riche bus stop, and later from the same stop it will deliver you to Valletta. As I uderstood later, it is also possible to take the bus 4.

On the main square I found a nice restaurant to have lunch. I was so excited after my strolling that I ordered the most expensive pizza with seafood. Simply, the day was almost spoilt. The pizza with all these ingredients was absolutely soaked, as if they cooked it in the sea. Never and ever I will order such kind of pizza again! However, my positive mood was saved by a glass of white wine.

There are probably only two the most interesting places to visit in Birgu. First of all, it is a maritime museum. And secondly, it is an inquisitors palace.

Nevertheless, the most spectacular for me was just observing the luxurious yachts, which were located at the harbour nearby.

Of course, I could not miss visiting the maritime museum. Honestly, I expected to see something more exciting. For example, the maritime museum in Barcelona, which I visited last year, was much more interesting. Nevertheless, I did not regret about spending half an hour observing the exhibition here.

At night there was a party with the students from my english group in a lounge bar at Sliema Ferries. We had a great time drinking cocktails and taking about various things.

Late at night, when I went home, I was absolutely sure that there was a night bus service in Malta, because even the bus stops displays such information about night buses. Unfortunately, it did not work. Instead, they have some red minibuses which go along seashore and collect late tourists. This is a kind of illegal but cheap taxi, and the cost is only 3 euros. So, I got off at St. Julian's bay and then I had a nice 30 minutes walk towards my house.

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