Wednesday 9 September 2015

Malta, Rainy day in Valletta

A rainy day in VallettaValletta's architectural style

Yesterday at night the storm with lightnings started. Today the sun is hidden behind the clouds, the sea is raging and everything around is damp. Honestly, I like the weather like this, except the drizzling rain. Nevertheless, the weather did not stop me from going to Valletta.

For lunch I stayed in Trabuxu Italian restaurant. My choice was a pasta with seafood and a glass of wine. That naughty waiter I will never forget. He was extremely noisy. However, it is fun and good mood in such a grey day.

Traditionally, I bought some stamps and sent the postcards to Russian friends by putting them into a post box.

Here are some points about Malta I have noticed so far. First of all, local people do not use public transport, because they have at least two cars per a family. Secondly, it is possible to walk around the island along the seashore, and for example I easily went from Sliema to Pembroke on foot. Finally, which is surprising for me, coffee shops are not popular here as it is in London, for example. Instead, they have many gelateries here.

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